First Post

First Post
Photo by Lukas / Unsplash


Welcome to this first post, which hopefully turns out to be only one among a ton of other posts.

So what now? I hear you ask.

To get you up to speed, here's some information on my current projects:

Cheap Banggood E-Bike

I am currently working on acquiring an E-Bike, you know, one of those unbranded ones that you can buy from a million different places nowadays.

The whole idea is to take this bike to the next level, by upgrading it to the VESC Project, one that I am very much in love with.

VESC provides an almost drop-in solution to upgrading electric kick+bikes, among with other electric vehicles.

It adds features some bikes lack, such as regenerative braking, power optimizations, software upgradable performance enhancements, surge limiting, and more. This at least helps turn this cheap E-Bike into something more high-spec. Aside from the 200 other cheap parts on the bikes.

I am currently waiting for this bike to arrive, and soon as it does I will post more updates on it.

Borg Backup

I am looking at updating my current backup solution to one with a more documented background. 

Hence BORG, which seemed to be exactly what I was looking for.

It's a deduplicating, compressing, timelined, rollback-supporting backup service, which can be set up on a per device basis, or as a central management solution.

I am looking at setting this up pronto, as it only makes sense to have more control over all my backups.

Here's a test integration:

Here's an image: